Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Conceptualizing the Concept of the Conceptual Artist

So that thesis. Here's my introduction, just to give all you salivating salamanders out there a taste of what I've been working on.

'Due to my past and current frustration with understanding the 'true' meaning of contemporary art, I have decided to create pieces presenting others with the same frustration. However, with the word frustration comes a dark connotation; in my life, frustration leads to a learning experience, which in turn leads to a creative endeavor. My journey through the process of conceptualizing the concept of the conceptual artist has become a passion. I want people to look at my art, initially confused, but slowly have ideas come to fruition. My hope is that those viewing my paintings will create stories and narrations of their own, walking away with a very individualized experience. Geometric shapes of varying colors, sizes and forms make up my paintings based on three Ann Arbor-specific locations, the Farmer's Market, Maya Lin's Wave Field and the corner of State Street and Liberty Street. Each individual place has its own essence, therefore each painting will reflect on it. It's not my intention for my audience to understand every step I took to arrive at the final destination, it is however my intention to force them into a completely visual experience.'

Have fun figuring out what it means.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thesis statement: "Have fun figuring out what it means."