There was a giant disappearing, progressively more albino shark that the locals liked to call a 'land whale' because it came up on land? There were also giraffes that walked around under water and above water. This whole thing took place on an island on stilts that was a combination of Greece, the whole of Africa and Australia. This was a continuation of a dream I had the other night where I learned about this island in a class. I had memory flashbacks to this 'learning experience' in the classroom in said previous dream. In this dream I watched a news report about this 'land whale', which was a flashback. There was also a woman that fainted, a guide that didn't like where we were going, mountains that led to the beach (which is apparently where we were trying to get to), a tourist group watching dolphins, and a melon thing that when opened looked like brains.
I think there must be something wrong with me.
I looked up 'Land Whale' on Urban Dictionary and this is what I got:
1. land whale
The big blobs of people who can't move and get crushed by their own weight.
2. Land Whale
A person who is obese and has a big enough overhang to shelter a moose.
3. Land Whale
A fat, stupid sidekick with no real purpose except for to make its companions look better. (in most cases land whales are needed or else its friends would appear hideous)
And this is one of the images of a 'Land Whale' that I found on google.

Go figure.
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