Today during IP, I was trying to do research and brainstorming about my project. I needed that time to think and really process what my work is about. I'm still a bit confused, but less so than I was. I know why I am doing it now and I understand what is important to me about them. I am less interested in the process than I am the final paintings. I need that gap of understanding to be lost on the audience. I like the fact that they won't necessarily get the correllation between the data sets and the paintings. I talked with Anne (one of my IP professors) and she reiterated the point that I should be researching phsycological aspects of these, e.g. why am I so obsessive, how do I think of these things, what makes me do the things I do. I agree with it fully. I am back on track and feel really good about the project again.
Also, when I was doing research today on Agnes Martin, I stumbled upon this woman named Xylor Jane. She is my salvation. I have felt so lost for so long about my research from other artists. I mean, I can find people that work with color, I can find people that work with grids, I can find people that work with mathematical formulas, but never any that did all of it. I thought I was the only one. WRONG! And never more glad to be wrong. Xylor Jane's work corresponds so well with everything that I have been working on, not only recently, but the entire time I've been in school. Here's her artist statement:
"Xylor Jane's work draws on mathematical algorithims to make intricate and staggering installations. Deriving her patterns from often basic arithmetic exercises (such as the Fibonacci Series or prime numbers), she deals in both complexity and simplicity, finding hidden curiosities and subtle patters amidst swarms of numbers. Her rigorous execution highlights the personal touch and commitment she brings to each piece."
I mean, wow. She is me. I emailed her asking her for, well basically her biography, and I also asked for help with my project, hopefully she will be able to. I am so totally back on track. I feel so good about my project and not so lost. All in all, today was a great day.
Here's Xylor Jane's website if at all interested: