Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I Like the Randoms

So, I'm officially bored. Out of my mind. Doing a bit of sewing to keep my mind off the fact that I have nothing to do anymore, but obviously that's not working. It's been weird since school ended. I mean, it ended so abruptly. All of a sudden, everything in my life changed. And all the people in it. Friends are leaving, but I'm staying here. It's odd. Whatever, because of this boredom I've been finding random things on the interweb. Here are some of my discoveries.

Apparently, according to Urban Dictionary, a 'pfeiff' is a 'girl who is similar to a hermit crab'. Ok, what does that mean? I don't get it.

I do like this one though.

-a noise that laser beams makes
(notice the grammatical error. Even with the error though it's still funny)

This is intense, how do people think up stuff to do like this?!

You have to admit though, this is kind of awesome.

Now I know this one's kind of a throw back but I still love it. And boy am I not coordinated enough to even try a stunt like this.

Ok yet another thing that I am just not coordinated enough to do.

This one's pretty amazing. And creative.

This movie looks beautiful, anyone want to go see it with me?

It looks like how my dreams are. Finally, someone who sees into my head.

On Saturday Meg and I are going to see these guys play. I'm really excited. If you haven't seen 'Once', it's definitely one of my recommendations. And not just because I love the land of Ire, which is where the movie is set, but because it's an amazingly inspirational story. Just go see it.

I think I may have over done this one a bit, but like I said, I'm bored. Give me something to do, please.



Avi said...

Well, if you want to wash brushes or enter a zillion info cards into a spreadsheet, I'd be happy to give you something to do. :-)

May I also recommend that there are many, many non-profits around that have just lost all their student volunteers, so if you want to put in a few hours serving soup, playing with kids, organizing repurposed scraps, there are lots of opportunities!

P.S. I know it can be really weird, but you can also just PLAY.

.:DataWhat?:. said...

I'd go see that movie with you. Did you ever see "The Cell" by the same director? Mostly terrible movie but visually incredible.