I'm excited for the weather to finally turn from horrible and humid, to cool and crisp. It's my favorite time of year. This is the time that I feel most productive I think. Probably because I'm happiest. Last night I started one of my paintings for my senior project, and wow is it going to take a lot of work. Physical and mental. My arms, my neck and, surprisingly enough, my butt hurts. I think it would make more sense if you saw me painting one of them. So far it looks good, I hope that trend continues...of course.
I figured out recently that in the past year, I haven't lived in one place for more than three and a half months. This means, that mentally, I don't 'move' into any place. I think that this is part of the reason that I still haven't moved into my house really. I still don't have a dresser, my desk is still in boxes, and I'm rarely here. My clothes are everywhere, I haven't even opened my closet, which I should be using.
I watched TV the other day with Juliana, and the majority of the time I was frustrated. I think that I truly am done with TV. It's a pretty dumb thing now that I think about it, there's so much more out there. So much.
On Saturday we're going to Detroit, a trip for all the IP students. We're going to MoCAD and to the new Work gallery there. We're also going on a river boat tour. Oh and did I mention, it's all free for us? Anyone who didn't sign up for this is an idiot. Networking is key, so is having fun. I plan on doing both.
Pretty much I've been doing lots and lots of stuffs. Busy forever I will be. I'm glad for it too. I like being busy, it's much better than being bored.
One thing that's been frustrating me recently is the fact that I keep speaking in the third person, and sound like an idiot. I don't know where it came from nor do I know how to get rid of it. Help?
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