Friday, September 28, 2007

I'd like some apple cider please.

It's fall. The trees are changing, they sound crunchy in the wind. Some are even red already. I'm excited for the blanket of leaves on the ground. I love walking through the diag early in the morning before the leaf blowing idiots have come through to dispose of the wonderful, aromatic, colorful leaves. Sometime soon I'm going to Alber's Orchard out near my house, it's the greatest little orchard in the world (ok maybe that's an exageration). If anyone's interested in going with me just let me know.

I'm excited for the weather to finally turn from horrible and humid, to cool and crisp. It's my favorite time of year. This is the time that I feel most productive I think. Probably because I'm happiest. Last night I started one of my paintings for my senior project, and wow is it going to take a lot of work. Physical and mental. My arms, my neck and, surprisingly enough, my butt hurts. I think it would make more sense if you saw me painting one of them. So far it looks good, I hope that trend continues...of course.

I figured out recently that in the past year, I haven't lived in one place for more than three and a half months. This means, that mentally, I don't 'move' into any place. I think that this is part of the reason that I still haven't moved into my house really. I still don't have a dresser, my desk is still in boxes, and I'm rarely here. My clothes are everywhere, I haven't even opened my closet, which I should be using. I think I just feel like it's pointless because I'm only going to be here for a few months, when in fact, I will be here for much longer. I don't even know what most of my possesions are anymore. I haven't used most of them for nearly a year. Let alone do I know where any of them are. My life is becoming less and less organized, but in turn, less and less material based, which I don't mind so much. I have all this junk that I don't use, soon I will let it go forever. But maybe it's time to move in...

I watched TV the other day with Juliana, and the majority of the time I was frustrated. I think that I truly am done with TV. It's a pretty dumb thing now that I think about it, there's so much more out there. So much.

On Saturday we're going to Detroit, a trip for all the IP students. We're going to MoCAD and to the new Work gallery there. We're also going on a river boat tour. Oh and did I mention, it's all free for us? Anyone who didn't sign up for this is an idiot. Networking is key, so is having fun. I plan on doing both.

Pretty much I've been doing lots and lots of stuffs. Busy forever I will be. I'm glad for it too. I like being busy, it's much better than being bored.

One thing that's been frustrating me recently is the fact that I keep speaking in the third person, and sound like an idiot. I don't know where it came from nor do I know how to get rid of it. Help?

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