I was to meet Miranda (a friend from home who was studying in Sierre, Switzerland) in Milan for she was in Barcelona and flying back that night. I got to Milan from Nice successfully and fine. I liked the idea of being back in Italy, but knew I could not stay for long. I waited and waited for Miranda, and finally she showed up right before the last train we could have gotten on left. We booked it, I almost lost my phone, and we made it. This is the train where she recieved a SIM card from some random Italian kid, and we do not know why he left it with her. My theory is that he was a pimp, but that's just me. We got to the border of Switzerland and Italy near to 12:30 or so in the morning. The next train into Brig, where we needed to go to get to Sierre did not leave until around 4 something in the morning...we had a long time to wait. It was great being with someone I knew again. We could talk about things that did not involve small talk about where we came from or what we're doing in Europe. It was wonderful, that's all I can say. When traveling by yourself, there are things that are great about it, but other things that are not so good, like the fact that you're always by yourself. I mean there are always people in the hostels that are in the same boat as you and need a walking companion, but it's not the same as having a friend that you know from home. I like it but at the same time I don't. It's hard being by yourself for so long. Anyways, we had a good time staying up, eventually fallin asleep in intervals waiting for the train. The train finally came and we got on, attempting to not fall asleep. We got to Brig, and jumped onto the train to Sierre, which was only about 20 minutes away. We finally got in, just as the sun started to come up and as the birds popped out of their cozy nests. This is when we were going to sleep, right when everyone else was going to wake up. All around it was a funny night/morning.

This is the view out Miranda's window. Jealous much?
The next day, or rather, later that day when we woke up, we got some food. Walked around Sierre, which by the way is a wonderful little town. Miranda had a very similar experience as I, she was in a smallish town (Ballyvaughan was much smaller), in a valley (not quite the same as the Burren, seeing as she was in the Swiss Alps), and she felt like it was a big change from UofM. We did a bit of shopping and what-not, then I made us dinner and we just hung out. I was in awe of the huge mountains around us, and extremely excited to see the snow on the tips. It was pretty much the only snow I've seen for a long time. The next day I followed Miranda up to the school after walking around through the streets. I waited for her to get done with her French class just taking it all in. Again, I was relaxing. That night we made yummy dinner, watched a movie and went to sleep. In the morning I unfortunatly had to be off. I wish I could have stayed longer it would have been great, Switzerland was amazing and I regret not staying for longer, but it's one of those places that I need to go back to. The train ride was so beautiful, mountains everywhere, and pristine wonderfulness at every curve. However, sad as I was to leave, I was off to Paris.

Miranda and I walking around Sierre.

I love this town!
*A few things I will miss about Switzerland: The mountains, the snow, the towns, the people, the languages, the currency (swiss francs are amazing, the notes at least) and how cheap everything seemed to be.
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