The next day we all went to the Cliffs of Moher (third trip for me) because Oscar would be going on a school tour for a few days, family time (I was an honorary member) was essential. It was so windy, but lots and lots of fun. I missed Gwen and Joe and the kids a lot, still do. That night I went to see Meg and Danny. I went over for dinner and it was yummy. It was good just hanging out reminiscing with people and letting them know about my travels. We then went to one of the pubs, Hyland's to be exact, and met some of the new students attending the school. It wasn't as weird as I expected it to be. It wasn't even that weird seeing people living in our house. I just kind of accepted it I guess. Well I had too many drinks, had to use the bathroom, ran back to the house (for the pub had just closed), tried to get into the house, couldn't figure out the lock (stupid Irish doors, they defeat me so), had to go back with Meg to her house, and I think my bladder almost exploded, for cereal. Anyways, I wasn't able to get the door open at the house so I had to stay with Meg. Which was fine. I only got a few hours of sleep but that's how I was the whole time I was traveling, going going going on not much sleep.

The family (plus me) minus Gwen.

The family (plus me) minus Oscar

It was only kind of windy.

I absolutly love this picture.

Meg and I on the end of the pier.
I got up, went back to the house, tried to get in and failed again. I had to walk up to the school to see what Gwen and Joe were up to, which was completely fine with me. The walk was nostalgic, even though a lot had changed. The walls were completely covered with green leafy plants and the trees had become full themselves. Once I got back up to the school I walked around, found Joe, talked for a bit, found Gwen talked for a bit, found Robert, silly silly man, talked for a bit, then waited around until Joe went back to the house. He gave me a lesson on opening the door, and then we just relaxed. I went with him to pick up Jasper and then we all went back to the house and made dinner. Over all it was a slow day, good though.

Joe and I.

Joe doing 'Blue Steel'.

Meg and I.

Danny decided it would be a good idea to do this, for some reason.

Michael and I, very tired, my last night, so very sad too.
My time in Ireland was slowly melting away, and progressivly I was getting more and more solemn. I hung around with people, had a great time, and the last day held saddness but was all in all very wonderful. I had everything packed up and did all the lose end things that I had wanted to get done. Oscar came back from his school tour and we had a great dinner, then watched a movie. After the movie was over I went to hang out at Meg's house again. We were up forever just hanging out. We went for a midnight drive around to see everything at night. We didn't get back in until about 3 something which at this time we could see the sun starting to peak through the dark sky. I slept for about 4 hours got up and found myself not wanting to say goodbye. Meg came over, she was going to go to the airport with me so I would have someone with me. We got in the taxi and the whole way to the airport I was secretly saying goodbye to the roads I had traveled so many times. At the airport I broke down and didn't want to go. I remembered back to what Gwen had told me earlier when I said I didn't want to go home. She said I didn't have to get on the plane, then as it was flying off, I would look off and say to myself, 'shit'. So I boarded the plane, which was a bit delayed. As we took off I saw the Cliffs, the Burren, and Ballyvaughan, for about a half hour I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I was upset, and didn't want to come home. Once I landed in Boston after the long flight, I called my mom and told her that I didn't want to be here, and that I wanted to go back. I think I wouldn't have felt so bad if I had just been able to go straight back into Detroit and not have to hang around in America but not at home for so long. I made it home, and found myself at the complete opposite end of the terminal where the whole thing started. The long walk to baggage claim made me realize that it really was over. I saw my parents, got my bags, and we were off, back to the house I left 21 weeks to the day ago. My mom made me call my whole family to tell them I was back. They all were excited, but I was a bit apprehensive. I didn't want to have to deal with readjusting to America. To not being in Ireland. To not traveling. To having to deal with real life again. Slowly I aclimated back into my life here, and I do miss it there, but at the same time am glad to be back. To all that helped me on this endeavor, thank you.
*I will miss everything about Ireland.
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