Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I've figured out a lot of the logistical problems with my project recently. I finally have a good idea of what I am doing and why I want to do it...which is definitely a step up. I wrote up my grant proposal tonight...well last night and this morning (notice the time). It's back to weird sleeping patterns again for me. Overall my project is progressing even though I haven't painted for a while.

I registered for classes today, for the final time. It's a bit odd, but oddly relieving. Next semester I am taking IP, our weekly lecture series, a one credit minicourse that ends in the middle of February on Planets and Moons, and Ancient Egyptian Religion and Culture, where the required course reading is the Book of the Dead. I may actually read for this class (which will be a first). I am not taking a studio course so that I will be able to work solely on IP and then be able to do little projects on the side. I also realized today that I won't have Friday classes or even morning classes. The earliest class I have is at like 10. This is going to be a good semester.

Ohio State Game sucked. That's all I got to say.

Thanksgiving rocked. That's all I got to say.

I am now a frame building, canvas stretching, gesso priming master. Be proud.

I still think I may be Buddhist.

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