Today is the first day that I've had off in nearly two months, and I don't even really have it off. I have to go to work later, but I feel so bored. I haven't had time to just sit and watch a movie in so long that I forgot how boring that really is. I like being with people, and now that I'm not, it's starting to suck...a lot. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now that everything is done. It's confusing to have something to do everyday and then just have it be over. Also, school's starting soon, but not for me, and today I just had this realization that the art school is going to continue on without me? Really? How? I don't get it. Not that I want to be back in school, it's just that I think I lost the one and only consistent element in my life. Every year, school has started in the fall, ended in the spring, and now what?
Ok just going over things and apparently I'm doing it online. I need to find something to keep me busy. Being bored is an unfortunate symptom of relaxation.

I think I may just miss my girls. Not only is it hard going from being busy to bored, it's hard not seeing the same people everyday, and may not see all together again...forever...sad.