So, I painted this mural for a friend's movie. The direction I was given was this; I need a guitar, minimal colors (no neon), needs to be big, and you know those abstract desktop designs that apple has as a default for macs? yeah that's your inspiration. This is what I came up with...

It was fun painting it though.
Is it weird that when I see your blog address, I read: Latest sexploits
I love that mural- I see so many things in it (though not as much in the truncated version you've shown here). In the whole thing I see a guitar, a phoenix, part of a human face profile (lower right quadrant), and near the neck of the guitar a ribcage. I was wondering how much was intentional and how much just the natural tendency to find patterns within patterns? - Laura (Script Super for Starlight)
oopsie, on reloading I do see the whole mural. Ignore that bit about it being truncated, as I had only seen the second picture at first.
I put the guitar in there intentionally, however, everything else people are seeing, I think, is because of our need to find pictures in patterns. I didn't paint anything other than the guitar intentionally. But I like that people think that I did, it makes me seem smarter than I am.
looks like a phoenix.
is this on skin???
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