Tuesday, June 17, 2008


...is the fear of forests.

Glad I don't have that. Or these:

Ideophobia- Fear of ideas
Geniophobia- Fear of chins
Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news
Cholerophobia- Fear of anger OR the fear of cholera (that's an odd combination)
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes

AND, the best for last...

Numerophobia- Fear of numbers (REALLY glad I don't have that one, my IP would have gone so much differently...haha)

I swear I didn't make these up.


There's some pretty awesome ones in there, and obviously there are those out there that have these fears, otherwise who would have gone to all that trouble to research latin AND then name a phobia without there being a large portion of the population which it affects. That was a long sentence, but if you have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia don't read this next word:


There, I just had to get that off my chest. (By the way, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. Do you think the person that created that phobia name just did it for shits and giggles? I think that may be true irony...am I right?)

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