Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Fun

So for Christmas I made portraits for mi familia as their presents. It was lots of fun and lots of work. I'm glad I got to work early on them, but even with that extra early start, I was scrambling at the last minute. I'm glad to know I still procrastinate, even though I'm out of school.




Gma and Gpa

Mom and Dad

Zac, Penny and Henry

Kerry and I

Aaaaand finally, Matt. (We call him uncle Fester)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

These are great! I really can't remember the last time I actually made a drawing of something...eeek! I suppose it was never really my forte to begin with.

Alas, I was only at home for a short while and am already back in Maine :( Vacations are always too short to allow for relaxation, holidays, plus visits to everyone you want to see. They should consider these things when dishing out vacation time.

Although I didn't get to see you, I would love to know what's going on in your life!