Friday, April 27, 2007

So I am really bad at this...

This past month has just been a blur of crazy. Everything in Ireland was coming to a close so I spent that majority of my time having as much fun as I possibly could. We had our end of the semester show, which ended up looking really great. I had an installation piece, a photo series and some paintings in the show. I think we did well, we got a lot of good feed back from the community and our professors. I am really glad that I chose to come to Ireland. It has helped me put a lot of things into perspective with my artwork. For one, I have finally come to the realization that I am a mixed media artist and not just a photographer. I do still love photography, but I don't think that I could just use one medium for the rest of my life, I think I'd get too bored.

Last Saturday, April 21st was the end of the semester. It's amazing that it all went by so quickly. I still remember trying to get some sleep in the Shannon airport waiting for the bus to pick us up to take us to our houses in Ballyvaghan like it's yesterday...but alas it is not. It was odd leaving the house for the last time. I realized that while living there I never really had the realization that someday it would all be's hard to explain. I kind of just accepted what was there as the rest of my life. So it was surprising to have to pack everything up and leave. It was also really emotional leaving everyone at the airport. All of our flights were at different times and so it was a slow process. My flight was at about 1:00 so I had to go up early, leaving Ireland and my experience behind. I don't think I can explain how hard it was to leave.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a hard time dealing with it's happening. All I wanted to do on my flight was go home (Michigan home), but I was flying even farther away. I flew into London and took a train down to Brighton which is where I am now. The first few days I kept wishing I was back in Ireland, not traveling. But now I am really glad that I am traveling. I'm a bit bored here now, which is kind of nice. I've been just relaxing mostly since being here. Doing whatever I feel like at the moment. We went to see Stone Henge on Wednesday, which was great, it's a check off my list of things to do before I die. Good place to start. I am leaving here on Monday to go to London to stay with a friend that I met when working at Camp Linden. She lives in London and I haven't seen her in about 4 years so it should be great. After that, on Wednesday I am off to Athens, Greece. This makes me a bit nervous...mostly because I don't speak Greek, and I realized that this is going to be my first time in a country that doesn't speak English...ever! And to top it all off I am going to be alone. I should be fine though, there's a lot to do and I have my guide book. I am actually really excited, I've always wanted to go there, but the nerves are getting the best of me right now...also the whole thing with change, I don't want it. BUT, I've paid for my plane ticket, and I'm doing it. Then from Athens I am going to the Peloponese (sp?) where I am going to take a ferry to Venice, Italy. I'm going to stay there for a few days, then going to Rome. I am really excited about Rome. All I've wanted to do for a long time is see a Bernini (if you don't know him look up the Rape of Prosperine) sculpture, and this museum in Rome has all of the sculptures that I've been dying to see. From Rome I am heading up to Florence, where I may or may not be staying with a friend from Michigan. From there I am heading up to the Czech Republic to Prague to visit someone. I've been looking at pictures and the city looks beautiful. Then I am off to Switzerland to visit anothe friend. All I've heard from anyone who's been there is that Switzerland is amazing, so that gets me excited. Then from switzerland I have to somehow get back to Ireland. I am going to be staying with Gwen and Joe, they both work in the college and I was their kids' babysitter this semester, for a few days in Ballyvaghan. I am sure that I will be very emotional having that realization that I won't be back in Ireland for a long time (and I say it like that because I truly intend on returning). May 31st is when I am to return back to the wonderful land of Michigan. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to get home to see friends and family and to be in America again, but I am going to miss this experience and these places. I've had the most amazing time here and met some really great people. I wouldn't have changed anything that I did, and am so fortunate to be able to have this experience. Thank you to anyone and everyone that helped me get here.

I don't think that I will be able to post on my blog again while I am abroad, I will try, but I can't make any promises. I am trying to send letters and whatnot to all that I have addresses for, and I will try to do some emailing...but again, I am not making any promises. I want to experience this and not be weighed down with the responsibility. Email me if you want me to send you something in the mail with your address I will also have a phone with me and it would be nice to have people's phone numbers just in case I want to talk to someone so email me those as well. Thanks for reading!